Green Treats for Halloween

I just got back from my son's kindergarten Halloween class party...and OMG! The candy and 'juice' that were supplied... I know the teacher specified that only healthy treats - aka, no candy - should be brought. But I don't think some of the parents read the directions...

Since sugar does a negative number on our immune system - decreasing it's effectiveness for 24-48 hours - I'm not looking forward to all the sweet treats my kids are going to come in contact with in the next few months. I mean, let's face it. This time of year we are bombarded with candy and cookies and cakes and chocolate. More than enough reasons to smile and, sadly, get sick...

And I know, I know. It is fun to indulge from time to time. But colds and the flu also come around this time of year too. Could there be a correlation? Probably. Maybe. I wish there weren't - I love those DOTS candies! But maybe there are some naturally-minded green alternative treats that we can make and buy.

Here are some of my fall favs:
  • Pumpkin Nog - a friend of mine got me hooked on this savory-sweet drink! So yummy...

  • Organic Lollipops - we get these by the bag full at our local natural market. Great to have on hand especially when we go to the bank or the doctor's office (so I can trade the HFCS sucker for an organic cane juice one)

  • candy apples - except I use rice syrup. It dries super fast, so read the directions on how to heat and, while it's still warm/sticky, sprinkle with chopped nuts or dried fruits

  • apple cider - I grew up on this drink in Michigan. I don't know anyone who doesn't love a cup of hot apple cider. And if you like, add in some rum for mom and dad ;)

  • pumpkin pie cup cakes - make it the same way you'd make the traditional pie, except do it on a smaller scale. The kids love these after school as a snack and it's always the perfect portion.
To me, Halloween is more of a Happy Harvest Day, but I do dig getting dressed up and trick-o-treatin' with the kids. And this year, like in the past, after the kids pick out their handful of candy that they want to enjoy, we're donating the rest. This year our family picked Operation From The Heart - an organization who ships care package items like candy, socks and whatnot to soldiers overseas.

No matter what you do for the holiday, stay safe and have fun this Halloween!

And if you have any treat ideas you'd like to share, please do!

Can't have too much fun, right ;)

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